eques judicii

CRank: 5Score: 24530

i'm actually pretty certain its not unreal 3... its not on the list of unreal 3 games at wikipedia and i remember them discussing developing their own engine...

while I agree that the game looks like crude... i think thats more the horrendous art style than the engine... i think the engine is decent (meh) but the art style kills the game.

6209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has a horrible typo in it... c'mon guys, lets at least keep the titles error-free.

6209d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I don't care"

After playing the demo, I can honestly say that this game is a flaming pile of poo

6209d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, M:UA and Rainbow Six did 4 player online...

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is way too evil... september 25 can't come fast enough

6214d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

microsoft surface is going to be really cool... at first i thought it would only be "table" PCs but now they they showed this? I'm super excited at the possibilities, and the technology doesn't seem super expensive either, which means it could become standard consumer electronics within only a few years... If they can figure out a way to protect the lcd screen that is.

6214d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lost odyssey
blue dragon
two worlds
eternal sonata
bomberman live
beautiful katamari

probably more... but i'm broke.

6214d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

you'll get haze, heavenly sword, udf, LBP, Warhawk, FolkLore and killzone (hopefully) and 360 owners get halo 3, mass effect, too human, bioshock, blue dragon, lost oddyssey, splinter cell, naruto, eternal sonata, PGR4, FlatOut:UC, and two worlds.

Plus all the awesome multiplatform titles!

Blacksite, COD4, assassin's creed, DMC4, Medal of Honor, Brother in Arms, Last remnant (2008?), GTAIV, HL2:orange box, and The darkness

There are probably more...

6214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but the 360 and new computer games are being done in C#, which is a much more robust language... plus C# works with .NET which is why xbox live can run on the same servers as www.xbox.com and why stats are so quickly transferred... such as when you finish a halo 3 match, you can hit refresh on your profile in a web browser and there are your stats. Its really cool actually.

Also, XNA is a framework built into C#.

6214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if a game is exclusive from the get go then that makes sense, but a company that strips its multiplatform nature and reduces its potential install base is not that great.

I think thats the difference. If an exclusive game goes multiplatform it hurts, but you are still getting the game. If a multiplatform game goes exclusive its robbing people of the game. Isn't that worse than the other way around?

to be honest, i was upset to hear that Beautiful Katamari migh...

6214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony fans have finally been thrown a bone but why do they want to deny other people from playing this game?

Wouldn't that just mean that the game makes less money and could possibly become less supported? Wouldn't you want the game to be as successful as possible?

I think that Free Radical are only hurting themselves by knocking the PC and 360 version out of the holiday schedule. This game could sell great, not only on the 360, but definitely on the PC where FP...

6214d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

system failure.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that would bring it to hd-dvd over bluray... fox will sign that deal because of the money involved. (which could be substantial)

6215d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

didn't know microsoft was a living entity that can talk on its own.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

THANKS! i'm a keep my eyes on it.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's not what i got from the article... he seemed pretty sure that for now they'd stay exclusive... that's not saying that things won't change in the future, but he's definitely not comfirming it coming to the 360...

more likely to come to wii/ds as spinoffs than the 360..

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what are you talking about? this article says they stay exclusive... you need to stop being so offensive and start reading the article...

6215d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

sorry, i'm a little out of the loop... but where did this come from?

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They did put a little one at number 20 that they said was unlikely:

"#20 Kingdom Hearts X refers to an Xbox 360 version
Square-Enix doesn't do cagey. They let you know what they're up to and when they'd like it to happen. Then whatever they said is negated a few months later when whatever it is they're working on gets inevitably delayed. But they don't seem to want to discuss anything relating to the project company executives are referring to as "Kingdom Hear...

6215d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

basically its a force feedback 3D mouse...

It will give you resistance as you try to mouse the cursor through 3d space... like if you were "touching" a wall or an apple in a tree the 3 arms will resist you pushing against it. It also works on 3 axis versus the 2 axis that a normal mouse works on

still not sure why the ps3 controller is called the 6 axis... there are only 3 axis in 3d space: x, y, and z... the next dimension is time... I think that sony...

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment